Single Source Milestone Methodology Delivers No-surprise Deployment

November 9th, 2023

Whether you are investing in a new software solution or upgrading your existing system, the deployment process can seem daunting. Even under ideal circumstances, an implementation can be highly disruptive to your usual day-to-day processes. Single Source Systems has developed an implementation methodology to help guide companies through the process for optimal results with minimal disruption.  

A Smooth Implementation has Different Meanings for Different Roles. 


  • The IT team wants the project to go as quickly and efficiently as possible, with a careful migration of data and logical alignment of processes and workflows.  
  • The CFO wants the new solution to be up and running quickly so the new solution can begin delivering a return on investment.  
  • Operations and customer-facing teams worry about unexpected downtime and potential interruptions to customer sales or services.  
  • The users want to be trained and understand new processes without falling behind on their daily jobs.  

We understand these priorities and work to answer the needs of the entire organization, from the planning stages through testing and going live. 

We have perfected our Milestone Methodology over 25+ years of managing ERP implementations. The methodology provides a controlled, risk-free process that keeps teams focused on goals, resisting detours, and methodically stepping through deliverables and checkpoints before moving to the next task.   

We developed our methodology based on certified project management principles. To this solid foundation, we applied our expertise in enterprise software and our experience implementing end-to-end ERP solutions. Many of our customers also take advantage of our deep experience in field service and manufacturing. 

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“Because we define expectations, scope, and deliverables up front, we can all stay highly focused,” says Tom Cavanaugh, Director of Professional Services “We usually stick pretty close to the timeline set at the beginning of the project with only minor adjustments.

We work very hard to hit all of the deliverables for our team—plus hold the customer accountable, too. Everyone has to be on the same page.” 

The Methodology has Five Milestones: 

methodology has five milestone

1. Plan. 
We start by learning expectations, mobilizing the project team, and setting up collaboration tools. 

2. Build. 
System development and configurations begin. Workshops to educate team members are held. 

3. Pilot.
We rehearse data migration and hold 1-2 conference room pilots to test for operational performance and compliance.

4. Go live.
When end-user training is complete, we cut over to the new solution, providing full support and a no-surprise deployment.

5. Optimize.
We monitor system performance, refining processes as needed and suggesting ways to extend functionality further.

“While we have some level of flexibility to tailor a project, we also know what works,” says Tom. “We stick to a proven process we have mastered over many years. That methodical checkpoints keep a project on track.” 

Tom also adds that this methodology applies no matter the vertical industry or the size and scope of the deployment. “Successful implementation is always built on the same core principles for project management,” he says. “We don’t need to reinvent it every time.”  

Single Source Milestone Methodology Offers Many Benefits:   


  • The project team is clearly defined, with everyone understanding their roles and working to execute deliverables on time. 
  • Steps keep the team focused on priorities and the agreed-upon scope of the project, reducing distractions and delays. 
  • Operational best practices are built in, ensuring sound principles and modern tactics for change management. 
  • A single point of contact from Single Professional Service helps ensure continuity and a trusting relationship.  
  • Weekly meetings keep communication flowing and teams accountable. Any concerns can be addressed quickly. 
  • Safeguards prevent scope-creep and detours into areas that are a priority.  Any extraneous projects are identified and set aside for future phases. 
  • Users within the organization are kept informed and trained on new functionality as needed.  
  • The methodology encourages collaboration between your team and ours with idea-sharing and feedback along the way. 
  • The conference room pilots provide a risk-free opportunity to test the solution and work out any issues with migrating data, security, or workflows.   
  • The organization can go live with no surprises. The project stays on budget and on time. 

Single Source reports a 100% success rate with implementation milestone methodology. “I am proud to say we always provide a no-surprise go-live,” says Tom. “By the time we are ready to go live, everything is pretty well locked down, and we know what to expect.”  

To learn more about the Single Source Milestone Methodology, visit our website.  


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